Corporate Income Taxes
Are you looking for a CPA in Deerfield Beach to assist in tax planning? Thank you for considering us to help your company understand more about taxes, and how to appropriately file company tax returns.
We are conveniently located on Hillsboro Boulevard in the Cove Shopping Center- Deerfield Beach, Florida. We regularly handle complex company tax scenarios all over South Florida.
The idea of Corporate Income Tax has been widely argued by many people including the “higher ups.” When we speak of Corporate Income Taxes, these are the taxes that are being paid for by many businesses all over the world. The rate of the taxes being paid by businesses depends on the country and its laws on taxes. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the US taxes companies at the highest corporate tax rate of the 34 developed, free-market nations that make up the (OECD). This is where we can help.
Corporate from the word corporation is solely about business. We speak business and honor our commitment to help businesses pay the lowest amount of taxes allowed by law.
Corporate Income Taxes Rates
Corporations are taxed at the federal, most state, and some local levels on income. Federal tax rates on corporate income are between 15% and 35%. Corporate income tax rates vary from state to state, and in general, range from one percent to twelve percent. We are here to advise business owners about the rules for corporate income taxes, tax planning and how to minimize corporate income taxes.
The Key to Minimizing Corporate Income Taxes
There are a lot of different things involved in running a business, including working to minimize corporate income taxes. Taxes may not be the favorite topic of business owners, as many compare it to the dentist, but it is an important consideration to think about.
We can assist in tax planning before the tax year ends to structure transactions to minimize corporate income taxes. Please note that tax obligations always go hand-in-hand with operating a business.
Have you recently of established a business in Deerfield Beach? We are more than happy to offer your business a free consultation to explain the taxes your business needs to pay, when to file the returns and the approximate amount of the tax payments.
How to Minimize Your Corporate Income Tax?
As a business owner, money is vital and we want to help the business save as much as possible. Most business owners we meet wonder about tax planning, how they can minimize corporate income taxes, and if it is possible.
Some tax planning techniques are creating retirement plans, purchasing a company car, charitable contributions, writing off fixed assets and tax-free fringe benefits to name a few. To take full advantage of certain deductions, seeking professional help is a smart choice. Hiring a CPA to start tax planning and minimize corporate income taxes may not be that expensive.
Also, the Corporate Tax function is gets more complex every year because Congress adds to the law every year. This why using a CPA who specializes in tax law is a good investment.
Fortunately, Safe Harbor Accounting is here to help minimize corporate income taxes and assist in tax planning. We are committed to staying up-to-date with the changing tax regulations. To everyone in Deerfield Beach and South Florida we hope you make the most out of the situation.